
Inside Princeton University

It’s not just what you know; it’s who you know. Members regularly connect and engage with powerful, experienced C-Suite colleagues facing similar challenges.
Thursday, May 4
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Chancellor Green Hall

New York CIO and Philly CIO will meet in the middle at Princeton University. Join NewYorkCIO member, Jay Dominick of Princeton University and PhillyCIO Programs Chair, Josh Beeman of UPenn to explore the technology and strategy modernizing one of America's oldest universities and to have an open conversation with a panel of experts discussing board-related topics: certification, resume, and board of directors search firms.

Founded in 1746, Princeton University is internationally recognized for excellence in higher education, boasting over 1,000 faculty - 31 of which are Nobel Prize winners - and over 97,000 living alumni.

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